Division 6: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Nick Press 5 5 100.00
2 Patrick Fairweather 4 4 100.00
3 Alex Lonnen 2 2 100.00
4 Chris Sayers 1 1 100.00
4 Luke Donabauer 1 1 100.00
4 Sachit Mathur 1 1 100.00
4 Tim van Ewyk 1 1 100.00
4 Woody Lee 1 1 100.00
9 Steve Dawson 6 7 85.71
10 Kai Everson Sodahl 8 10 80.00
11 Alan Bailey 7 9 77.78
12 Tony Wai 3 4 75.00
13 Shubhankar Bera 7 10 70.00
14 Tim Blinco 8 12 66.67
15 Ruian Chu 6 9 66.67
15 Phil Smith 6 9 66.67
17 Matthew Wilson 5 8 62.50
17 Paul Farrell 5 8 62.50
17 Robin Shimwell 5 8 62.50
20 Brett Hobson 6 10 60.00
21 Bobbie Anders 5 9 55.56
22 Bruce Janson 5 10 50.00
23 Ajay Bhatia 3 6 50.00
24 Thilak Rathnayake 2 4 50.00
25 Matthew Nade 1 2 50.00
25 Darryl Harrison 1 2 50.00
27 Nick Ryan 4 10 40.00
28 Anthony Pugh 2 5 40.00
28 Santiago Morandé 2 5 40.00
30 Robert Souksavath 3 9 33.33
31 Brendan Crawley 2 6 33.33
32 Robert Bowles 1 3 33.33
32 Peter Heidecker 1 3 33.33
34 David-2 Perry 2 8 25.00
34 James Warr 2 8 25.00
36 Dean Rowley 0 9 0.00
36 Yvonne Fan 0 9 0.00
38 Damian Sue 0 6 0.00
39 Simon (Smifffffy) Sm… 0 5 0.00
40 John Assaf 0 3 0.00
41 Leonie Forbes 0 2 0.00
41 Sandeep Mittal 0 2 0.00
41 Paul Cottrell 0 2 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Alan Bailey 1223
2 Patrick Fairweather 1158
3 Tim van Ewyk 1149
4 Steve Dawson 1140
5 Kai Everson Sodahl 1136
6 Robin Shimwell 1122
7 Brett Hobson 1119
8 Nick Ryan 1118
9 Robert Souksavath 1115
10 Anthony Pugh 1100
11 Alex Lonnen 1078
12 Shubhankar Bera 1061
13 Matthew Nade 1055
14 Ruian Chu 1051
14 Tim Blinco 1051
16 Bruce Janson 1043
17 Matthew Wilson 1041
18 Bobbie Anders 1039
19 James Warr 1037
20 Brendan Crawley 1034
21 Dean Rowley 1032
22 Luke Donabauer 1017
23 Tony Wai 1015
24 Ajay Bhatia 1014
24 John Assaf 1014
26 Phil Smith 1012
27 Darryl Harrison 997
28 Paul Farrell 987
29 Nick Press 977
30 Robert Bowles 976
31 Simon (Smifffffy) Sm… 975
32 David-2 Perry 973
33 Chris Sayers 968
34 Yvonne Fan 965
34 Santiago Morandé 965
36 Peter Heidecker 941
37 Thilak Rathnayake 933
37 Sandeep Mittal 933
39 Damian Sue 921
40 Woody Lee 913
41 Leonie Forbes 907
42 Sachit Mathur 898
43 Paul Cottrell 887
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Patrick Fairweather 100.00 4 0
2 Kai Everson Sodahl 87.50 7 1
3 Ruian Chu 100.00 4 0
4 Nick Press 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Nick Press 2 2 100.00
1 Tony Wai 2 2 100.00
3 Chris Sayers 1 1 100.00
3 Sachit Mathur 1 1 100.00
3 Woody Lee 1 1 100.00
3 Patrick Fairweather 1 1 100.00
3 Alex Lonnen 1 1 100.00
8 Brett Hobson 4 7 57.14
9 Tim Blinco 4 8 50.00
10 Matthew Wilson 2 4 50.00
11 Nick Ryan 2 6 33.33
12 Ruian Chu 1 3 33.33
12 Paul Farrell 1 3 33.33
12 Phil Smith 1 3 33.33
15 Ajay Bhatia 1 4 25.00
15 Shubhankar Bera 1 4 25.00
15 Bruce Janson 1 4 25.00
15 Santiago Morandé 1 4 25.00
19 Brendan Crawley 1 5 20.00
20 David-2 Perry 1 7 14.29
21 Yvonne Fan 8 0.00
22 Dean Rowley 7 0.00
23 Damian Sue 6 0.00
24 Robert Souksavath 5 0.00
25 Simon (Smifffffy) Sm… 4 0.00
25 James Warr 4 0.00
27 Anthony Pugh 3 0.00
28 Robin Shimwell 2 0.00
28 Sandeep Mittal 2 0.00
28 Thilak Rathnayake 2 0.00
28 Bobbie Anders 2 0.00
28 Paul Cottrell 2 0.00
33 Robert Bowles 1 0.00
33 John Assaf 1 0.00
33 Leonie Forbes 1 0.00
33 Peter Heidecker 1 0.00
33 Darryl Harrison 1 0.00
33 Matthew Nade 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Tim van Ewyk 1100 1149 49
2 Tim Blinco 1007 1051 44
3 Patrick Fairweather 1124 1158 34
4 Brett Hobson 1089 1119 30
5 Santiago Morandé 937 965 28
6 Nick Ryan 1091 1118 27
7 Shubhankar Bera 1036 1061 25
8 Bobbie Anders 1015 1039 24
9 Ruian Chu 1028 1051 23
10 Nick Press 957 977 20
11 Tony Wai 995 1015 20
12 Woody Lee 893 913 20
13 Bruce Janson 1024 1043 19
14 David-2 Perry 954 973 19
15 Matthew Wilson 1030 1041 11
16 Chris Sayers 959 968 9
17 Alex Lonnen 1070 1078 8
18 Paul Farrell 981 987 6
19 Sachit Mathur 892 898 6
20 Robert Souksavath 1110 1115 5
21 Brendan Crawley 1029 1034 5
22 Thilak Rathnayake 928 933 5
23 Ajay Bhatia 1010 1014 4
24 Phil Smith 1010 1012 2
25 Sandeep Mittal 932 933 1
26 Luke Donabauer 1016 1017 1
27 Steve Dawson 1140 1140 0
28 Darryl Harrison 998 997 -1
29 Dean Rowley 1035 1032 -3
30 James Warr 1040 1037 -3
31 Damian Sue 924 921 -3
32 Matthew Nade 1058 1055 -3
33 Robin Shimwell 1126 1122 -4
34 Anthony Pugh 1106 1100 -6
35 Robert Bowles 986 976 -10
35 Peter Heidecker 951 941 -10
37 Leonie Forbes 918 907 -11
38 Kai Everson Sodahl 1148 1136 -12
39 Simon (Smifffffy) Sm… 989 975 -14
40 Yvonne Fan 982 965 -17
41 Paul Cottrell 906 887 -19
42 Alan Bailey 1243 1223 -20
43 John Assaf 1034 1014 -20
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Dean Rowley 9 9 100.00
1 Yvonne Fan 9 9 100.00
3 Damian Sue 6 6 100.00
4 Simon (Smifffffy) Sm… 5 5 100.00
5 John Assaf 3 3 100.00
6 Leonie Forbes 2 2 100.00
6 Sandeep Mittal 2 2 100.00
6 Paul Cottrell 2 2 100.00
9 David-2 Perry 6 8 75.00
9 James Warr 6 8 75.00
11 Robert Souksavath 6 9 66.67
12 Brendan Crawley 4 6 66.67
13 Robert Bowles 2 3 66.67
13 Peter Heidecker 2 3 66.67
15 Nick Ryan 6 10 60.00
16 Anthony Pugh 3 5 60.00
16 Santiago Morandé 3 5 60.00
18 Bruce Janson 5 10 50.00
19 Ajay Bhatia 3 6 50.00
20 Thilak Rathnayake 2 4 50.00
21 Matthew Nade 1 2 50.00
21 Darryl Harrison 1 2 50.00
23 Bobbie Anders 4 9 44.44
24 Brett Hobson 4 10 40.00
25 Matthew Wilson 3 8 37.50
25 Paul Farrell 3 8 37.50
25 Robin Shimwell 3 8 37.50
28 Tim Blinco 4 12 33.33
29 Ruian Chu 3 9 33.33
29 Phil Smith 3 9 33.33
31 Shubhankar Bera 3 10 30.00
32 Tony Wai 1 4 25.00
33 Alan Bailey 2 9 22.22
34 Kai Everson Sodahl 2 10 20.00
35 Steve Dawson 1 7 14.29
36 Nick Press 0 5 0.00
37 Patrick Fairweather 0 4 0.00
38 Alex Lonnen 0 2 0.00
39 Chris Sayers 0 1 0.00
39 Luke Donabauer 0 1 0.00
39 Sachit Mathur 0 1 0.00
39 Tim van Ewyk 0 1 0.00
39 Woody Lee 0 1 0.00