Div 02: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Thomas Hampson 5 5 100.00
2 Craig Moore 2 2 100.00
3 Guillaume Pitot 1 1 100.00
4 Asad Raza 9 10 90.00
5 James Ethan 4 5 80.00
6 Richie Tootill 6 8 75.00
7 Andrew Davis 5 7 71.43
8 Chris Milevskiy 2 3 66.67
9 Simon Frankcomb 5 8 62.50
9 Johnson Lin 5 8 62.50
11 Alex steinkamp 5 9 55.56
12 Ben Williams 6 11 54.55
13 Vipul Kashyap 5 10 50.00
14 Danny Joukhadar 4 8 50.00
15 Michael Daly 3 6 50.00
16 James Dampney 2 4 50.00
17 Grant Michelson 5 11 45.45
18 Brenden Hughes 3 7 42.86
19 Damien Collins 2 5 40.00
19 Daniel Drew 2 5 40.00
21 bruce holloway 2 7 28.57
22 Scott Wallace 1 4 25.00
22 Steve Kinsella 1 4 25.00
24 Arno Becker 1 5 20.00
24 Sam Adams 1 5 20.00
26 Alex Leonardi 1 6 16.67
27 Anna Goodman 0 2 0.00
27 Oliver Boyd 0 2 0.00
27 Joshua Leake 0 2 0.00
30 Bryn Arnold 0 1 0.00
30 Tom Balme 0 1 0.00
30 Jeff O'Donnell 0 1 0.00
30 Isaac Bell Herbert 0 1 0.00
30 Shehana Vithana 0 1 0.00
30 Peter Sinodinos 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 James Ethan 1624
2 James Dampney 1623
3 Thomas Hampson 1611
4 Simon Frankcomb 1599
5 Isaac Bell Herbert 1595
6 Vipul Kashyap 1593
7 Bryn Arnold 1579
8 Oliver Boyd 1576
9 Joshua Leake 1571
10 Johnson Lin 1564
11 Richie Tootill 1558
12 Alex steinkamp 1548
12 Damien Collins 1548
14 Grant Michelson 1536
15 Craig Moore 1508
16 Michael Daly 1503
17 Jeff O'Donnell 1483
18 Shehana Vithana 1479
19 Ben Williams 1477
20 Asad Raza 1471
21 Sam Adams 1469
22 Brenden Hughes 1467
23 Andrew Davis 1461
24 Alex Leonardi 1447
25 Chris Milevskiy 1446
26 Danny Joukhadar 1444
27 Arno Becker 1435
28 bruce holloway 1429
29 Scott Wallace 1417
30 Steve Kinsella 1395
31 Daniel Drew 1370
32 Peter Sinodinos 1349
33 Anna Goodman 1347
34 Guillaume Pitot 1333
35 Tom Balme 1299
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Thomas Hampson 100.00 5 0
2 Simon Frankcomb 100.00 4 0
3 Asad Raza 100.00 4 0
4 Asad Raza 83.33 5 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Asad Raza 3 3 100.00
2 Andrew Davis 2 2 100.00
3 Guillaume Pitot 1 1 100.00
3 James Ethan 1 1 100.00
3 Craig Moore 1 1 100.00
6 Vipul Kashyap 4 8 50.00
7 Ben Williams 4 9 44.44
8 Johnson Lin 2 5 40.00
8 Danny Joukhadar 2 5 40.00
8 Alex steinkamp 2 5 40.00
11 Daniel Drew 1 3 33.33
12 Grant Michelson 2 8 25.00
13 bruce holloway 1 4 25.00
13 Steve Kinsella 1 4 25.00
15 Arno Becker 1 5 20.00
15 Brenden Hughes 1 5 20.00
17 Alex Leonardi 3 0.00
17 Damien Collins 3 0.00
19 Anna Goodman 2 0.00
19 Michael Daly 2 0.00
21 Tom Balme 1 0.00
21 Richie Tootill 1 0.00
21 Oliver Boyd 1 0.00
21 Simon Frankcomb 1 0.00
21 Scott Wallace 1 0.00
21 Isaac Bell Herbert 1 0.00
21 Shehana Vithana 1 0.00
21 Peter Sinodinos 1 0.00
21 Sam Adams 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Peter Sinodinos 1252 1349 97
2 Ben Williams 1418 1477 59
3 Daniel Drew 1313 1370 57
4 Vipul Kashyap 1557 1593 36
5 Isaac Bell Herbert 1559 1595 36
6 Craig Moore 1474 1508 34
7 Danny Joukhadar 1412 1444 32
8 Damien Collins 1517 1548 31
9 Guillaume Pitot 1303 1333 30
10 Asad Raza 1446 1471 25
11 Johnson Lin 1542 1564 22
12 Anna Goodman 1326 1347 21
13 Grant Michelson 1518 1536 18
14 Arno Becker 1419 1435 16
15 Alex steinkamp 1535 1548 13
16 Steve Kinsella 1382 1395 13
17 Thomas Hampson 1603 1611 8
18 Richie Tootill 1557 1558 1
19 Brenden Hughes 1466 1467 1
20 Tom Balme 1299 1299 0
21 James Ethan 1625 1624 -1
22 Shehana Vithana 1480 1479 -1
23 Andrew Davis 1465 1461 -4
24 Chris Milevskiy 1453 1446 -7
25 Bryn Arnold 1588 1579 -9
26 bruce holloway 1439 1429 -10
27 Jeff O'Donnell 1493 1483 -10
28 Michael Daly 1514 1503 -11
29 Oliver Boyd 1589 1576 -13
30 James Dampney 1637 1623 -14
31 Alex Leonardi 1463 1447 -16
32 Scott Wallace 1435 1417 -18
33 Simon Frankcomb 1618 1599 -19
34 Joshua Leake 1593 1571 -22
35 Sam Adams 1499 1469 -30
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Anna Goodman 2 2 100.00
1 Oliver Boyd 2 2 100.00
1 Joshua Leake 2 2 100.00
4 Bryn Arnold 1 1 100.00
4 Tom Balme 1 1 100.00
4 Jeff O'Donnell 1 1 100.00
4 Isaac Bell Herbert 1 1 100.00
4 Shehana Vithana 1 1 100.00
4 Peter Sinodinos 1 1 100.00
10 Alex Leonardi 5 6 83.33
11 Arno Becker 4 5 80.00
11 Sam Adams 4 5 80.00
13 Scott Wallace 3 4 75.00
13 Steve Kinsella 3 4 75.00
15 bruce holloway 5 7 71.43
16 Damien Collins 3 5 60.00
16 Daniel Drew 3 5 60.00
18 Brenden Hughes 4 7 57.14
19 Grant Michelson 6 11 54.55
20 Vipul Kashyap 5 10 50.00
21 Danny Joukhadar 4 8 50.00
22 Michael Daly 3 6 50.00
23 James Dampney 2 4 50.00
24 Ben Williams 5 11 45.45
25 Alex steinkamp 4 9 44.44
26 Simon Frankcomb 3 8 37.50
26 Johnson Lin 3 8 37.50
28 Chris Milevskiy 1 3 33.33
29 Andrew Davis 2 7 28.57
30 Richie Tootill 2 8 25.00
31 James Ethan 1 5 20.00
32 Asad Raza 1 10 10.00
33 Thomas Hampson 0 5 0.00
34 Craig Moore 0 2 0.00
35 Guillaume Pitot 0 1 0.00